Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One day more to Go!!!


Emo-themed shoot

Just one more day to go.. and I'll be done with my final paper for this semester!! YAY!
Okay, back to reality...I gotta go complete all my readings first though..*sigh*..
Wish me luck!!!

With Love,

Friday, March 12, 2010

Twilight: Eclipse Trailer!

Trailer for Twilight: Eclipse! =D
PS: Rmb to turn the blog's song off! (right sidebar, bottom)

With Love,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Oh Great..


Gee..I haven't blogged in a long long long long while! =( I'm sorry =(
School has really taken alot outta me =(
Just recovered from a horrible fever + flu episode =(

Okay, I'll keep this post short, gotta get some dinner before I start revising again!
(yes, exams a week's time!! *gasp*)

Please please bear with me! I'll blog ASAP!
In the meantime, please vote for me by clicking on 'like' on my picture at Chic
Just 'Become a Fan' on Chic Magazine and you can go to the link provided above and click on 'like' for me!

With Love,


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