Here's what I've been up to,
1) Catching up with friends online
2) Sorting out my photos
2.1) Masterchef Dining photos!
3) Finally got my manicure done
4) Repaying my sleep debt
Okay, it doesn't sound like much, but trust me, off days are a rarity. When it comes by, you just seem to spend it running errands and whatnots. Of course, sleep debts are a must to repay on off days. Oh yes, I was definitely up to something the recent Saturday, but I guess I won't say for now what it is till everything's confirmed. No point letting the cat out of the bag when you ain't even sure if there's a cat in there right?
MasterChef Dining! |
So, two more trips for the week, and I rest for a couple more days before August begins for me! I am, however, still looking around for a camera to replace my current one. Am considering the Olympus Pen, any other suggestions?
Evidently, I just had to place a picture of myself..haha.
I've noticed people around me feeling a tad down. I wish I could do or say something to cheer all of you up, but sometimes, I just don't quite have the words to say. But I do have a shoulder for you to lean on and a listening ear to offer. I might not reply you right away (sometimes because I'm at work), but I will get back to you as soon as I can. Do know I care no matter how silent or how distant I may seem and that I will be there in a heartbeat if I can.
"If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me."
Till the next one, stay happy and smile!