Saturday, September 5, 2009

This isn't Goodbye, it's my See-You-Later =)

You know who you are,

I'm gonna miss chatting with you at night! =( But I hope you enjoy your trip and that things will go well for you! Looking forward to receiving your emails and photos on Facebook! Missing you all the way from Singapore! Stay safe and keep in contact k? *hugzZ* This isn't Goodbye, it's my See you Later, Reina!

polar bears



reina said...

thanks : ) You are so sweeet. sending my [hugs] all the way from US! *smiles*

Reina said...

:) You are so sweet! [hugs] all the way from the US! xoxo ^^

Reina said...

:) you're so sweet! sending my [hugs] all the way from the US! ^^ ... and I love the photo of the 2 polar bears! xoxo

raXsiel said... said you liked teddy bears! But i couldn't really find a nice one of teddy bears the next best thing...polar bearsssss!!!! =)


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